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windows has written 398 articles so far, you can find them below.

Asparagus – Festival

A few years ago we attended the local Asparagus Festival in Central Alberta. For the occasion we made this stained glass Asparagus. Fresh locally grown Asparagus is so delicious, especially when grilled on a BBQ.

Edgar Farms  (www.EdgarFarms.com) will once again on June 2 & 3 – 2012 run their Asparagus Festival. They bundle their fresh daily cut Asparagus with blue elastics which is why we have the blue on our stained glass sun catcher.



Window Address

In 2010 we were commissioned to make an address number insert for a new home in Central Alberta. The #’s were made from a dark brown Bullseye glass with clears surrounding which let in lots of light but prevent a clear view into the home from the outside.

 This picture shows the finished unit before installation in the home.

The next picture is the design as seen from inside the home, we aligned the design sections to match the internal bars inside the dual pane window.

 The 3rd picture is a view from inside the home, the address panel was put over the front door. With an elevated bi-level home the new panel also addressed issues of privacy especially during evening hours. The other opaque clears matched and complemented the existing door and side panel glass.



Angel Repair

In late 2007 we purchased the glass and supplies of a retiring stained glass artist. This lady had made this angel but it needed to be rebuilt and we said we would be glad to fix it for her. The first picture is of the restored angel and the second picture is the angel before being repaired.



Easter Dove Cross

Easter a time for Christian Celebration around the world. This sun catcher cross is not very large and has an overlaid Dove carrying an Olive Branch made from wire. We have also made just the Cross by itself, however changed the design so the cross parts are all v shaped at the center which makes for a much stronger sun catcher.



We were given this pattern many years ago and subsequently discovered that the design was by Carolyn Kyle and Teny Knudson.


Carnival Masks

A number of years ago we donated one of these for an Alzheimer fund raiser in Calgary. In 2010 made the 2nd one for one of our daughters – Tanya who lives in North Vancouver as a Christmas Gift. We used Spectrum’s Waterglass for both of these masks. This free pattern is offered on Spectrum’s website.

This is the one we donated:

This is the one we gave Tanya:

 Design by Angel Craig-Hall

Art Glass by Angel – Kansas City MO