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windows has written 398 articles so far, you can find them below.

Eagles “The Eagle has landed” – 2015

We have a client who is an awesome intarsia woodworker. He designed this eagle in wood and wanted to have it transformed into stained glass. In addition he and his wife wanted 2 of them each facing each other for their retreat in the West Country towards the Rocky Mountains in Central Alberta.

To facilitate this endeavour we enlisted the services of Paned Expressions Studios in Edgewood Maryland. Martha was quickly able to take the intarsia design pattern from our clients and add in the necessary lines to complete a 20 x 20 inch panel. Then using Glass Eye 2000 she reflected the design so as to have another identical design pattern.

This is the left side eagle and eventually we will display the remaining right side eagle with more pictures and details. Enjoy the first Eagle has landed.


 Stained Glass Panel Design by Paned Expressions Studio

From an Intarsia Wood design supplied by our client


Beveled Transom Window 2015

This is the 2nd of 3 interior transom windows for a beautiful farm home SW of Olds Alberta. The window measures 36 inches wide by 12 inches high. Surrounding the bevel cluster is matching Spectrum’s Sky Blue Wispy with a clear Spectrum Artique border. Our clients were very pleased with this great looking interior transom window.

Chorney Transom Beveled Window Feb 2015

We designed this window and after centering the bevel cluster we made a border with Spectrum’s clear Artique Glass.


The next series of 3 pictures shows how we laid out Spectrum’s Sky Blue Wispy Glass. We were fortunate enough to obtain 2 sheets of this glass that we were able to match across the whole width of the window. This first picture shows the left hand side.


This next photo shows the centre portion surrounding the bevel cluster.


As we fitted each piece we had to make sure that the matching continued across the window.

RightSidewith lastpieceofSkyBlueWispytobefittedTransomWindowJanuary2015

After the panel was soldered  and cleaned, we then applied black patina to the solder lines, then cleaned once again with Kwik Clean, and then applied polish. After much polishing one can see the wonders of light that are seen through bevels.


 Design by Flory & Bob Wilkins



Island Lake Update January 2015

Island Lake in glorious sunshine, please do a search for Island Lake and see it’s construction from a photo to the finished panel.


Design by Paned Expressions Studios

Christmas Tree Ornaments December 2014

This year we made this Treble Clef for Jaylene one of our next door neighbours daughters. Jaylene is a very talented young singer and musician. This ornament measures approximately 2.5 inches x 4 inches.


Designer unknown

Christmas Tree Ornaments December 2014

Each year we make Christmas Tree Ornaments for our next door neighbours daughters. This year as Julia is into horseback riding we made this horse shoe ornament for her. This ornament measures approximately 3 x 3 inches in size.

HorseshoeTreeOrnamentDecember2014Designer Unknown